The Power of Journaling (15 Minutes A Day Changed My Life)

Become Your Ideal Self Newsletter: Edition #12

Read Time: 5 minutes

Daily journaling is a power habit.

Most of your internal problems can be solved with daily journaling.

Once you get your inner world in control, you will effortlessly find solutions to the problems you are facing in your external world.

On the surface, it's easy to doubt whether something as simple as a daily journaling habit could yield something significant in your life. I also had the same thought process and didn’t think I needed it.

But as the saying goes, you don’t know what you don’t know until you know it?

For the last 10 years, I have journaled every single day.

Journaling daily has become so ingrained in my life that skipping a day feels strange.

It started because, as an introvert, I wasn't a fan of "sharing" my feelings with anyone, even with my closest friends. Writing my thoughts, emotions, and struggles down always left me feeling lighter and uplifted. So journaling allowed me to process my thoughts properly and close the open loops.

It's a habit that I unconsciously picked up and a habit that has yielded me 1000% benefits and zero harms.

So I truly believe that if there's one habit that has the potential to change the entire trajectory of your year, it's daily journaling.

In fact, I will place it at the top most position in my life-changing habits stack (yes, even above reading and meditating).

For the last 5 years, ever since I have started doing it seriously and from a perspective of:

  • gaining control over my mental chatter

  • directing my mind towards my goals

  • managing my emotions on a daily basis

…I have truly fallen in love with this habit.

Currently, I carry 2 journals with me at all times.

One is a daily planner. I like to write everything down on paper and I rarely use technology/apps even for stuff like planning my day. Writing in a physical planner helps me visualize and organize my day mentally. This clarity makes it easier to follow through with my plans.

The other journal, I use it every single day to get my thoughts out and to clear up my mind.

Ever since I have consciously started practicing this habit, I have experienced huge changes in myself and my life.

  • It has made me more in control of my mind.

  • It has made me more in control of my thoughts so much so that I rarely go into overthinking mode now.

  • It has made me more in control of my emotions where I am able to respond to situations rather than react to them and let it affect my emotional well being.

  • It has brought me unmatchable clarity with respect to my goals, longterm vision, and mapping out approach to accomplish them.

  • It has brought me self-awareness and intuition where I just KNOW what is right for me and what isn't, helping me make decisions based on my inner voice rather than external advice.

  • It has brought me internal power to deject everything in my life that doesn't feel true to me.

  • It has helped me break my inner limitations and beliefs that were so strong and had a crippling effect on me in multiple areas of life.

  • It has helped me consciously reprogram my subconscious mind for the things that I want to accomplish in my life.

I want to share with you:

1) The immense power that journaling has and its multiple benefits to get you started and hooked on this habit.

2) How to turn it into a pillar habit that you carry with yourself for the lifetime.

I hope that this one habit transforms your life just as it has transformed mind.

Let’s begin.


You only have 24 hours in a day.

Which means, how you spend those 24 hours is the key to changing your life's trajectory.

Hence, the habits you choose to practice on a daily basis are of utmost importance because your daily habits create the quality of life you live.

Most people aren’t in control of the habits they are practicing every single day. As a result, they are drifting through life without any sort of navigation on where they are headed.

They continually distract themselves by scrolling on their phone.

They have an attention span of 30 seconds.

They are hooked onto a virtual reality.

They lack necessary self-awareness.

Their emotional health is suffering.

Their physical health is suffering.

Their mental health is suffering.

They have no meaningful goals.

They are living in a perpetual state of reactivity and their minds have become totally automated.

Here's the current state of being of the majority of people:

They are unable to take anything seriously. They cannot fathom pursuing anything meaningful and worthwhile. Meanwhile, they constantly feel depressed and anxious, as well as continuously struggle with negative thought pattern loops. But they aren't even trying to find a solution because their mind is stuck completely in a negative and destructive paradigm.

The solution to most of these problems is this: reclaiming your focus through daily empowering habits.

The habits you practice daily dictate the direction and the quality of your life.

Daily meditation is a habit.

Daily doomscrolling on your phone is also a habit.

Each of these habits when practiced daily over a period of time yield completely different results.

When you build empowering habits every day, you change how you think. This helps you become the person you want to be and create the life you dream of.


This is a bonus module from my new mini-course, Freedom Journaling (how you can gain access to your subconscious mind, control over your unconscious negative habits and patterns, and clarity and vision for your life through just a 15 minute per day, daily journaling habit).

Most people have an incorrect idea of what journaling means. They think it's just writing about your embarrassing moments in your journal and hiding it away from the world.

But that's completely inaccurate. Journaling as a pillar habit is a much more in-depth and meaningful practice.

Journaling = mind control

Journaling is, controlling your mind instead of being its puppet and letting it run the show.

Most people are operating as a puppet to their mental chatter.

Riffs of thoughts keep pushing them around every few minutes of the day. They do not have any free will towards where they or their day is headed.

It's safe to say that they spend majority of their day living in a "sleepwalking" mode.

Journaling helps with establishing control over your own mind. It allows you to firstly, become aware of not being in control, and then, regain that power over your mind.

Mind is a faithful servant. Do not get trapped into taking orders from your servant. If you do, you are bound to end up lost, confused, and trapped.

Journaling = thought regulation

Journaling helps you see the thoughts that keep coming back to your mind over and over. Your most dominant, intrusive, and repetitive thought patterns.

Once again, majority of people are spending most of their time stuck in a thought loop within their mental loop. To the point where they cannot think, process, and act clearly.

Unwanted thoughts keep popping up in their mind all day long without permission.

By building journaling as a pillar habit, you become aware of what your most dominant thoughts are. Going deeper into it, you realize the sources of your most dominant and repetitive thoughts are originating and why. Once you have this awareness, you can then proceed to establish control and get rid of these negative thought loops.

Journaling = tuning into your intuition

It's easy to get lost in external noise these days. You get thrown roughly about a 100 new pieces of random advice a day whenever you open social media.


Since every single second in the day, our brains are taking in a massive amount of information – about 11 million pieces per second. But we can only consciously process about 40 of those 11 million pieces per second.

It's easy to get lost in the sea of information and random advice.

But it does more harm than visible on the surface.

If you listen more to outside ideas than to your own thoughts, you run the risk of losing touch with your gut feeling. Your internal compass and guide. The only true guide you have in this lifetime.

And once you stop listening to your own inner voice and self and begin relying on external advice for everything, things start going south.

Because as soon as you stop listening to your intuition, you stop relying on your instincts. When you stop trusting your gut, you start looking outside yourself to make choices. This affects how you live, who you become, and where your life is going.

This further leads you away from being your most true self and living life in the way that feel and occurs most naturally to you.

Journaling is, of reconnecting with your inner self and listening to your gut feeling at any moment in the day. While journaling every single day, you get more in touch with your inner self. By talking to yourself consciously through journaling, you reconnect with your intuition.

Remember, intuition is the whisper of the soul.

Journaling = self-control

95% of the people in today's are facing 2 issues when it comes to exercising their personal power.

Firstly, they cannot make their own decisions.

Secondly, they cannot follow their own instructions.

To live the way you want, you need to be in charge of yourself.

And becoming your own master includes simultaneously becoming your own #1 student.

The only beginner friendly habit that will allow you to do this is journaling.

Journaling is, giving yourself conscious instructions and then staying accountable towards them.


Journaling is, identifying your bottlenecks so you can course correct and progress further.

Journaling helps you gain clarity about your own life path and figure out how to make it happen. It intuits you who you want to be and how to get there.


How to journal

Let's begin with the simplest and easiest of the methods.

At the end of each day, just before going to bed, grab your journal and a pen and note down for just 5-7 minutes:

  • how your day was

  • how you felt throughout the day at different points of the day

  • what went well

  • what didn’t go well

  • what were the top 2 things you struggled with today

  • what led you to keep yourself going during those struggle or what led to failure

By simply answering these questions every single day before going to bed for just 30 days, you unlock massive clarity, self-awareness, and access into your subconscious mind.

This will begin the process of automatic course correction.

Once that happens, you will find a lot of your negative patterns changed and reduced.

And that's it.

Do it for 30 days straight and note your progress.

Be prepared to be pleasantly surprised.

Talk soon,


P.S. If you truly want to benefit from cultivating this power habit, you can check out my new mini-course which goes in detail about everything related to daily journaling.

Click here to check out the course + all the bonuses: FREEDOM JOURNALING